
Wednesday, November 20, 2013

[juxta]posing in October

I forget to mention in yesterday's post, but I'm more than halfway done with my 30 for 30 challenge! I'm excited to be almost done, although this has been a great exercise in wearing basics, and utilizing the basics & neutral colors I already have in my closet.

Veering away from what I said above, here's this bright/white/dark shirt/is it fall?/is it summer? outfit. I wore this on a very warm day at the end of October, proving that you CAN wear white after Labor Day. Just be sure to do it appropriately - intentionally, and with layers. 

This is the first time I've worn a scarf belted - ever tried it before? What did you think?

chambray: thrifted
scarf: gift
belt: thrifted
pants: Old Navy
sandals: Target

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

30 for 30: Day 15

Looking at these pictures now, this outfit looks like I tried to be a little "tough" (black boots, black sweater, olive green pants), but then I veered the other direction wearing a scarf with hearts on it. 



There IS something to be said for "juxtaposing" looks/styles/seasons/textures/aesthetics. 
Right?? Right.

I wasn't thinking that when I put this outfit together - I really just wanted to wear my green pants (have I mentioned they're incredibly comfortable?) and my new scarf. I've found that lately (and by lately, I mean since the first day of this 30 for 30 challenge) I am really drawn to more neutral colors instead of brights & prints, like I have been in the past. 

It feels easier to pair black with black, or taupe, or green, and not worry about matching, but just know that everything will look OK when I pair them together. That said, I just don't think I can give up my love of brights and prints and sequins and twirly skirts and volume and layers and things that me warm & fuzzy (all of the above).

Monday, November 18, 2013

30 for 30: Day 14

Day 14

Sadly, my Mr. had to work this evening, so I was only able to get some fuzzy mirror pics - sorry, friends. Bums me out when he has to work late! However, I did get some MAJOR blogging done, so it worked out ok, I think ;)

Hope your week is off to a great start!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

So Sweet

I call these my "ballerina shoes," simply because they're pink, have a bow, and a slightly boxy toe-shoe shape. However, I do not have to tear them apart, lace them up, and they do not make my toes hurt and bleed.

I made these bracelets a few months ago. By made them, I mean I bought the beads and the stretchy string, then strung them together, then threw them on my wrist.
Before Halloween I attended a Dessert Party hosted by the collegiate members of my sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha. This event is an annual fundraiser, and the proceeds go to benefit Breast Cancer Education & Awareness, Zeta's national philanthropy.

I sported my event t-shirt from 2009, when I was one of the girls hosting the party, but subtly covered up with a cardigan and a scarf, but still showing my Think Pink! support :)

shirt: Zeta
sweater: thrifted (Kohl's)
scarf: gift from my sis-in-law
pants: Ann Taylor LOFT
shoes: Coldwater Creek

linking up here

Saturday, November 16, 2013

30 for 30: Lucky 13

I wore this on an unseasonably warm day this past week - no tights! I'm all for warmer weather, but it's so unexpected so far into November. However, I'm not complaining (remember how it snowed on May Day this past spring?). These warm temps are making me regret my decision to include 2 heavy sweaters in my 30 for 30 lineup - wishing I'd included more tops instead. Note to self for next time...

Hope your weekend is off to a great start - we lounged last night and are having early & late birthday dinner celebrations with my parents tonight. See ya later, gators!

linking up over here today

Friday, November 15, 2013

30 for 30: Day 12 (and some new schtuff)

yes, that is Turbo's tongue in the lower right - it's a very long dog tongue

Here is the new coat I mentioned the other day. Fancy, huh? I'm a HUGE fan. I was really drawn to it initially, then "hem-ed" and "haw-ed"over it while I perused the rest of the store. 

"Is it ME?"

"Is it too trendy?"

"White? In the winter?" 
(It comes in navy, too. So that added another 30 minutes to the decision making process)

But as you can see, I overcame all of those objections and got the coat. I've been on the hunt for a new, shorter coat. I've got a red peacoat, which I love, but it's very dressy and comes to my knees; a knee-length purple down coat, and several fleece jackets from The North Face/Columbia. I was looking for something nicer than my fleece jackets, but shorter, more casual, and not quite as heavy as my other coats (that's a lot of criteria!).

I love this coat for many reasons:
1) it fits my above criteria
2) it's got (faux) leather sleeves, which is SO on trend for this year. AND, who doesn't love (faux) leather?
3) it's two-toned - do YOU know anyone with a two-toned coat? I don't.
4) it dresses up jeans, but not TOO much
5) it was provided to me courtesy of Aéropostale, as one of their VIPs for this season

Needless to say, I'll be wearing it a lot this winter, until we hit below freezing temps for weeks at a time.

this pink peplum top really doesn't photograph well, does it?
I matched the pink polka dots in my pants to my top

Yes, that is a bulldog. On a pair of socks. They are my (2nd pair of) bulldog socks. I love them.

I can't find this sweater online (boo), but it's much prettier in person - the pink is not as blinding, I promise. I'm envisioning it with leggings (most likely these, also from Aéropostale), boots over my new bulldog socks, a large cup of coffee, and a good book (currently I'm in the middle of 2 books, and 1 audiobook)...

For something similar to this sweater, imagine:
this Sheer Striped Knit Sweater, mixed with this Marled Slub-Knit Sweater, topped off with this Sheer Ribbon Yarn Sweater.

A scarf with hearts, that masquerade as black polka dots. Could this scarf be any more darling? I think not. Can't wait to wrap myself up in it - it's nice, and big, and square-ish-ly shaped, without being too heavy, although it does have a nice weight & bulk to it. Good job, heart/polka dot scarf.

And the gray infinity scarf I wore the other day, that my husband said I didn't "NEED", is here.

Aéropostale keeps hitting it out of the park - keep it up! Can't wait to see what else they've got in store!

Hooray for the weekend! Any fun plans in store?

linking up this BRIGHT top [that looks neon in these pictures] over here

30 for 30: Day 11

No, your eyes are not deceiving you - I did jump straight from Day 9 to Day 11 in my 30 for 30 challenge. However, Day 10 was a throw-on-an-old-t-shirt-and-sweats-and-do-chores-and-pack kind of day. I only made it out of the house to take the trash out and walk the pups, so I didn't think it necessary to get all dolled up and do brush my hair. I'm thinking this busy outfit more than makes up for missing Day 10, though.

If you remember from this post, the navy blue top I'm wearing here is actually a dress. 




I wore a dress as a shirt.

This is (I think) the first time in my life I've done that (unless my parents can come up with something from my toddler or awkward preteen years?). However, the idea has been there for a while. Obviously it depends on the skirt and the dress, but it seems like the type of dress that would work best is one without a lot of volume in the skirt. Unless you're wearing a full skirt, and want a little more fluff underneath it (have I mentioned before that I like full skirts? The skirt of my wedding dress was 4 feet wide. On purpose. And I LOOOOOVED it.).

Scratch what I just said about the type of skirt and dress work best - this is a very case-by-case basis sort of thing. 

And in this case, I like it. I like it alot.

I really like this skirt, but always have a hard time deciding what top to pair with it. Until, one day, I remembered this navy dress with cream trim. And voila! A genius (and loud!) outfit was born! 

Ever have those clarity/lightbulb/genius moments? With your clothes, I mean ;)

linking up this schwanky outfit over here :)