
Showing posts with label infinity scarf. Show all posts
Showing posts with label infinity scarf. Show all posts

Monday, April 13, 2015

30 for 30: day 8 + day 9

You guessed it - two outfits in today's post. That's what Mondays are for, right?

day 8

A cream sweater, pink infinity scarf, skinnies, and sandals. Nothin' too fancy, just somethin' pretty simple. But I WAS having a great hair day, so that ups the ante of this casual look, methinks.

cream-colored top: American Eagle
skinny jeans: c/o Aéropostale
pink scarf: gift
metallic sandals: Target
necklace: Old Navy

day 9

Unintentionally, most of the pieces in this look came from J. Crew Factory. I guess some pieces from the same store just go together really well. It's like they design the clothes that way or something ;)

sleeveless blouse: J. Crew Factory
polka dot cardigan: J. Crew Factory
wine colored pencil skirt: J. Crew Factory
black booties: Kohl's

Thursday, March 12, 2015


Just in case I haven't made it clear before, I love my Frye boots and wearing them with dresses or skirts. Without tights. It feels so sassy and fun. And almost like I'm getting away with something - like cheating winter and its subsequent snow and gross weather.

It DOES help to wear a warm dress when foregoing tights in winter - this sweatshirt dress from J. Crew Factory has a great fleece-y lining, and since it's such a nice basic color, pairs with just about any scarf in my closet.

dress: J. Crew Factory
scarf: gift
boots: The Frye Company via Nordstrom
jacket: c/o Aéropostale

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Metallics. Kinda.

This infinity scarf has silver stripes running through it, so I matched it with my mixed metal sandals. And basic black skinnies. And a chambray, of course!

Happy Saturday! We're doing stuff around the house, and resting after a fun night out with friends.

chambray: Lauren Conrad via Kohl's
skinnies: Aéropostale
sandals: Target
scarf: gift

Monday, March 31, 2014

Mr. Picks Mondays: Pink. And Shiny!

The Mr. chose the sequined top (confession: a new find. from WalMart. for just under $4!!!), and I added the velour blazer & scarf. I really like the monochromatic look of the blazer and scarf, as well the texture play with the top, blazer & scarf. I find that lately I'm trying to create layers of texture while it's still a wee bit chilly outside - not so easy to do when it's sweltering outside, which is where the weather is headed, YIPPEE!!!!! I luuuurrrrrve summer!

Think you'll pull out your sequins and recreate something similar?
Sure hope you do! And let me know about it!


tank: WalMart similar below
blazer: thrifted similar below
scarf: gift similar below
jeans: Aéropostale exact
boots: Rack Room Shoes similar below

Sunday, March 23, 2014

How To: Get Dressed in the Dark






Ok, I didn't REALLY get dressed in the dark when I wore the two above outfits. However, I've come up with a formula for getting dressed quickly in the morning. It's so easy, you COULD do it in the dark, if you knew your closet by location and feel (an important piece of knowledge to have!).


step 1: Grab pants. Feel, or squint through the early-morning light, for some that are pretty simply, are a neutral, are comfortable, OR, if you've enjoyed delicious food all week/weekend, ones that are stretchy and you know will fit. Or better yet, ones that fit all four of the above criteria.

step 2: Reach for a button up shirt. I like them because they say "I'm here! I'm present! I put effort into my outfit!", but maintain the ability to be dressed up OR down, and of course, can help hide some overindulging (are you sensing a theme here?).

step 3: Put on a neutral sweater. I do like pull-overs layered over a button up, but sometimes a cardigan can add more "depth" to your ensemble by showing off the layer underneath your sweater layer. They're also easier to take off/put back on/take off again/and put on one last time than a pullover.

step 4: Add some jewelry, but not TOO much - you're not fully awake & aware just yet, remember?

step 5: Step into some fancy-ish shoes that you can stand to wear all day.

steps 6 & 7: If you're feeling productive, do your hair and makeup.

step 8: Grab coffee, breakfast, your purse, and head out the door, knowing you look fabulous (and did it all without being fully awake, natch)!


on the left:
polka dot button up: Kohl's similar below
cardigan: Maurice's similar below
pants: Aéropostale
flats: Kohl's similar below
earrings: Kohl's

on the right:
chambray: WalMart similar below
cardigan: thrifted (Kohl's) similar below
pants: Aéropostale
flats: Target similar below
scarf: WalMart similar below

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

30 for 30: Day 22 & Day 23

Day 22

Not sure if you can tell or not, but I LOVE this plaid flannel shirt from Old Navy. I wish I'd gotten it in every color so I could wear it every. single. day. (that's an exaggeration...every other day!) I love it so much I keep wearing it, keep wearing it, and keep wearing it. 
But if the shoe shirt fits, wear it!

Day 23

You might have seen on my Instagram last week that the Mr. and I went to see "The Book of Mormon." It's a Broadway show created by the same guys who created the show South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone (both guys are Colorado natives - woot woot! AND South Park, Colorado is a real place #truestory). 

Whatever your views on organized religion, Christianity, Mormons, missionaries, or even musicals, the show was very well done - the tunes were catchy, the singing and dancing impeccable, and the acting superb. It had all the elements of a great musical (I love musicals, did you know?).

We had a wonderful time catching up with the friends we saw the show with, and it was a welcome reprieve from the cycle of packing/moving/unpacking we'd been in for a few days at that point.

goofing around during intermission - he doesn't like to take selfies. boo.
I wore this outfit (with gray tights) to see the show. Yes, that is a flashy gold handbag.

Friday, November 15, 2013

30 for 30: Day 12 (and some new schtuff)

yes, that is Turbo's tongue in the lower right - it's a very long dog tongue

Here is the new coat I mentioned the other day. Fancy, huh? I'm a HUGE fan. I was really drawn to it initially, then "hem-ed" and "haw-ed"over it while I perused the rest of the store. 

"Is it ME?"

"Is it too trendy?"

"White? In the winter?" 
(It comes in navy, too. So that added another 30 minutes to the decision making process)

But as you can see, I overcame all of those objections and got the coat. I've been on the hunt for a new, shorter coat. I've got a red peacoat, which I love, but it's very dressy and comes to my knees; a knee-length purple down coat, and several fleece jackets from The North Face/Columbia. I was looking for something nicer than my fleece jackets, but shorter, more casual, and not quite as heavy as my other coats (that's a lot of criteria!).

I love this coat for many reasons:
1) it fits my above criteria
2) it's got (faux) leather sleeves, which is SO on trend for this year. AND, who doesn't love (faux) leather?
3) it's two-toned - do YOU know anyone with a two-toned coat? I don't.
4) it dresses up jeans, but not TOO much
5) it was provided to me courtesy of Aéropostale, as one of their VIPs for this season

Needless to say, I'll be wearing it a lot this winter, until we hit below freezing temps for weeks at a time.

this pink peplum top really doesn't photograph well, does it?
I matched the pink polka dots in my pants to my top

Yes, that is a bulldog. On a pair of socks. They are my (2nd pair of) bulldog socks. I love them.

I can't find this sweater online (boo), but it's much prettier in person - the pink is not as blinding, I promise. I'm envisioning it with leggings (most likely these, also from Aéropostale), boots over my new bulldog socks, a large cup of coffee, and a good book (currently I'm in the middle of 2 books, and 1 audiobook)...

For something similar to this sweater, imagine:
this Sheer Striped Knit Sweater, mixed with this Marled Slub-Knit Sweater, topped off with this Sheer Ribbon Yarn Sweater.

A scarf with hearts, that masquerade as black polka dots. Could this scarf be any more darling? I think not. Can't wait to wrap myself up in it - it's nice, and big, and square-ish-ly shaped, without being too heavy, although it does have a nice weight & bulk to it. Good job, heart/polka dot scarf.

And the gray infinity scarf I wore the other day, that my husband said I didn't "NEED", is here.

Aéropostale keeps hitting it out of the park - keep it up! Can't wait to see what else they've got in store!

Hooray for the weekend! Any fun plans in store?

linking up this BRIGHT top [that looks neon in these pictures] over here