
Showing posts with label scuba. Show all posts
Showing posts with label scuba. Show all posts

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Summer LBDs: Dress #3

And here is the dress I wore for the wedding itself (rehearsal here). I found it at Target, on the sale rack, just a week before we left for the wedding. I’d felt blue all day, and wandered into Target, as one often does when one is sad. Or happy. Or hungry. Or bored. Or just wants to go shopping. I’d decided some retail therapy would cheer me up, and even after finding these black wedges in my size, I still needed another filler-upper, so I checked out the clearance racks. And found this dress. In my size. On sale (I think it was under $12?). So, that helped. As did the peanut butter M&M’s that also found their way into my  basket…

This dress has a bit of a scuba/sports-inspired feel. The fabric is light and ALMOST of a sports/technical quality (but not quite!), and the piping on the front really adds interesting detail, as well as outlines the shape of the dress, while mimicking the seams on a wetsuit…

Having been to Missouri before, I was expecting TONS of HEAT and HUMIDITY and BUGS, but luckily, all three of those unpleasant elements were not very present! Sure, it was warm, but not unbearable – we spent most of the reception outside, instead of inside in the air-conditioning. It WAS humid, but not as oppressive as I’d experienced before (I’m a humidity wimp after living in Colorado)…and the bugs seemed to be staying away! At least from me, which never happens (I got eaten alive last week in Florida…)!

And of course, the wedding was lovely and beautiful and it was good to see family and friends we hadn’t seen in ages, as well as make some new friends that mentioned they’d love to come out and visit us in Colorado...!

dress: Target
wedges: Target