
Showing posts with label Mr. Picks Mondays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mr. Picks Mondays. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Mr Picks Mondays: Summer's Last Hurrah

Since yesterday was Labor Day, and I had the day off, Mr. Picks Mondays was VERY casual. He chose the shorts AND the top (typically he chooses the top and lets me pick the bottoms, or vice versa) for a very summer-y combination. I know Labor Day marks "the end of summer," but since the first day of autumn isn't for a few weeks yet, I'll be sporting my summer clothes as long as I can (that, and I LOVE summer). Have I mentioned that I don't love fall, because it leads to winter? #truestory 

Also, I don't like Pumpkin Spice Lattes. 


I said it.

I find them underwhelming. Whip me up a cup of coffee and I'm a very happy girl. No artificial pumpkin flavoring for me! Blegh!

Anyways, enough of my rant about fall & winter (#summerforever). As I mentioned yesterday, we were in a wedding this holiday weekend, and then spent Sunday & Monday laying low and getting caught up on little things around the house, er, apartment.

My Labor Day started off with this read by Jessica Quirk of What I Wore. A really interesting and beautiful book, and I even took it to the pool with me and jotted down some notes. I think she did the illustrations for the book herself - umm, amazing! I can only draw stick figures, so I'm always really impressed by the artistic ability of others. I've been reading a lot of fashion books lately, and can't seem to get enough! I think I've checked out all the ones at our local library...I've already ready "Tim Gunn's Fashion Bible" and Stacy London's "The Truth About Style," among others. Any recommendations for me??

Wellllll, here's to a (short) week, my friends!

enjoying not laboring on Labor Day ;)

parrot tank: Target
shorts: Kohl's
mint tank: Marshall's
sandals: a recent find at Target for $6!

linking up over here today, because I loved spending Labor Day with my sweetie ;)

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Mr. Picks Mondays: Purpley Purple


Funny story: my sweetie picked out a different dress for me to wear yesterday, but I negotiated with him to wear something else, since I had very recently worn that dress to work (I wore it but didn't take pictures - so did it really happen?). By the time I chose this one instead, he had already left for work for the morning (does it take anyone else FOREVER to decide what to wear? No? Just me?). When we were both home yesterday evening, I saw that he had worn his purple dress shirt with purple striped tie. So, we were twinsies without even knowing. 

And, I'm not kidding when I say this, he looked so nice all dressed up and spiffed up in his purple. I don't mean to say that he doesn't always look nice every day for work, but some of his ensembles really stand out and make my heart go *pitter-pat* when I see him. Add in a dash of my favorite cologne, and 


I'm sure glad I snagged him in high school, and that he comes home to me every day (every day that he doesn't have night projects for work, which is a lot lately, hence my fancy mirror pics. boo)

Too mushy? Sorry, back to the topic at hand - my clothes! I found this dress at a thrift store last summer, and after wearing it once or twice, decided it was a smudge too long and a wee bit too matronly. So, I took some scissors to it and cut off several inches, bringing it from calf-length, to above the knee. Now it feels much more age-appropriate. What do you think?

dress: thrifted
sandals: Born via DSW

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mr. Picks Mondays - It's Not Easy Being Green

bows & bows
and more bows

Happy Mr. Picks Mondays, a few days late! Like I keep telling you, the weeks continue to get away from me.

For whatever reason, this shirt doesn’t see a lot of wear. Probably because I still have a TON of stuff in my closet…going through and getting rid of some of it has been on my to-do list for a few weeks now. Where has the time gone??? We’re cruising right along into August. Summer, don’t go! Although lately I’ve been thinking of great ways to layer my clothes when the cold weather has arrived…

Happy Wednesday!

Shirt: Maurice's
Jeans: Trends
Shoes: Steve Madden via DSW

Linking up here today, with all my bows!


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Mr. Picks Mondays - Neutral. like Switzerland.

The Mr. picked out the lace top, and I decided to take neutrals for a spin. I'll be honest - I kinda like it. It's not something I would have worn before I had this here little blog. Look at me, steppin' outta my getting-dressed-box! (it's pretty small, and is filled with matching items & a wee bit of adventure)

I realize the pants look REALLY long & REALLY flared, but, boho is back, right?

Either way, enjoy the rest of your week! I've got more headed your way :)

lace shirt: gift
pants: Hollister Outlet (2008)
Sandals: Mi Amore (Sears, 2009)

linking up over here, with Coffee Beans & Bobby Pins and FACE IT Catalog

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Mr. Picks Mondays: Back at it

When it was time to pick out my outfit, my Mr. asked where my 30 for 30 clothes were. I started to tell him, then I realized he was going to choose from them:

Me: "Noooooo! You can't choose one of those! Pick something else - I have a WHOLE closet to choose from!"

Mr: "But you got dressed so much faster with only 30 things to pick from."

Me: "Soooooo. They're all in the laundry. The dirty laundry."

Mr: "No they're not."

Me: "I lost them. All of them."

Mr: "No you didn't..."

He finally came around and chose the pink shirt you saw above, I chose the pants and the sandals. I realized after we took these pictures that I was wearing Old Navy from shoulders to ankles. What can I say? They have a lot of stuff I like, at oober reasonable price points.

Any suggestions for next week to help him get back into the groove of picking out my clothes? Should he just pick out my clothes EVERY DAY this month? There's an idea...

Shirt: Old Navy
Sandals: Maurice's
Sunglasses: KMart

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mr. Picks Mondays: Pink & Navy [again]

this bracelet is from an old friend, it reads "We can do no great things, only small things with great love." - Mother  Teresa

"Oh Turbo, I love you. Yes I do. You're so handsome."
My Mr. chose the pink shirt, and I chose the pants and sandals. I'm wearing corduroys. In May. With sandals. Only in Colorado, amirite? Anyway, it worked! And despite juxtaposing seasons, I was pretty comfortable, temperature-wise.

And I realize I'm wearing pink & navy again, buuuuuut, this works (right? right??). And I LOVE pink. And I have a lot of navy pieces. So, you might be seeing this color combination again sometime. If you REALLY take issue with it, lemme know! And maybe suggest some other ideas for me.

I don't have a lot of words for you tonight - we just got home from our softball game and I'm due for a  hot shower and bed. I know, I know, I go to bed early, but if I don't, how am I supposed to get all my beauty sleep? And, if you're wondering, we lost our game, by ONE RUN. *sigh* BUT we did go for fro-yo after, so that helps.

we're frequent customers of our local TCBY...FREQUENT
from my InstagramSweetBananie
Shirt: Gap
Pants: Joe Fresh via ARC
Sandals: Maurice's

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mr. Picks Mondays: Pink & Navy

pockets, my friends, pockets
I'm working on my posing #help

I'm really obsessed with these two - they're just so lovable & squeezable!
 My Mr. picked out this navy dress for me to wear today. It's a little funny - I have FOUR (count: 1, 2, 3, 4) navy dresses in my closet, but they're all VERY different! Trust me! 

Anyway, this is my first time wearing this cute printed number. I picked it up at ARC back in January or February with the plan to wear it when the temperature heats up. And today, it did just that! Still had to wear a sweater in my office, but overall, a dress keeps me so much cooler than pants. And if I get really hot, I can just flap my dress a bit to get a breeze ;)

I went on my first run since my half marathon today on my lunch break. The sun was out, there was a bit of a breeze, or I just run SO fast there's always a breeze...bahaha, I kid! I was really glad to be running again, but then my right knee started hurting. It hurt during my race, and a few days after, so I iced it and took plenty of ibuprofen. I thought I was good to go, but it hurt a bit today. Not unbearably so, but I definitely don't want to injure myself. So, I'll be taking it nice and slow for the next few days - run when I can, and walk when it hurts. With some ice and ice cream thrown in, too :) It's not surprising that my knee hurts - I didn't really train for my half, so, that was dumb on my part. Never again will I do something like that without preparing - I'm so lucky I didn't get seriously hurt. #thatwasdumb

Dress: Old Navy
Sweater: Old Navy
Sandals: Born
Earrings & matching bracelets: Claire's
All other jewelry: gifts from my Godmother

Monday, April 29, 2013

Mr. Picks Mondays: Bright Stripes

Here's another bright shirt on a Monday - I think he's into bright colors for spring, don't you?


bracelet my mama got me

"It's what's on the inside that counts"
WHY can't I keep that in mind more often?!

I'm not sure that horizontal stripes are doing me any favors lately (too much snacking), BUT, my half marathon is this weekend. I can hear you asking: "Why haven't you been training consistently for the last 3 months?" That, my friends, is a great question. 

Seriously though, I get pretty bad blisters on my feet: on the balls of my feet, my heels, the sides of my feet, even between my toes. It's no fun to run when your feet are killing you. Couple that with the fact that I'm really slow (I mean REALLY. Somehow I walk faster than I run), and I always wind up really sore after a run. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten my rear in gear like I should have.

My dad is doing this half marathon with me, and he's been training, so we all know who will be feeling better after running 13.1 miles. Not to worry: I've scheduled a massage for the day after, and a mani/pedi might be in my future, too. 

I'll keep you posted on how it goes. One way or another - walking, crawling, running, handsprings, or on piggyback, I will finish those 13.1 miles! And I've set a pretty generous window as a goal for myself ;)

Top: WalMart
Jeans: Gap
Sandals: via Trends
Necklace: Kohls
Watch: a gift from our honeymoon
Bracelet: gift from my sweet mama