
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Playing Catch Up

This was Monday at my work. We closed early at 3 due to the bad weather. 

This is today at home - it hasn't stopped! Instead of grumbling, I'm just going to stay warm inside, and drink lots of hot chocolate. And coffee. Always coffee.

Highlighter Top: ??
Sweatshirt: Kohl's
Jeans: Gap
Boots: (not pictured) UGG (they were SOAKED)
Socks: (there are snowmen above the trees) from my Mama 
(she has a thing for funny socks - guess I do too!)

This is what my Mr. picked out for me on Monday. SO BRIGHT. I got lots of comments on the brightness of it - I'm trying to encourage spring! Obviously, that backfired, but hey, Jack! I tried. Or, my Mr. tried. Either way, this is the only pic I got - I was on a mission to put on my sweatpants and curl up on the couch with my Mr. and the pooches.

He gravitates towards picking out simple things. Let me explain: simple in that he likes the color. Or that its not new or trendy. Or that I've had it forever. Or that it's like something I would have worn in high school (or did wear in high school - I have some things in my closet from those days...). For example, he doesn't like skinny jeans/pants. Leggings are fine, but skinnies - he makes a face when I put them on. 
Some people just hate change :) 

Top: Target
Sweater: Macy's
Corduroys: (they're navy!) Joe Fresh via ARC
Boots: Rackroom Shoes

This is what I wore yesterday. Not for very long - I went home with a bad headache and spent the rest of the day sleeping. I won't go in to detail, but I get bad headaches. Consistently. They get in the way of my life, which is very frustrating. 

Unrelated, what do we think of this sweater? I like the ruffles, and the buttons are crystal-type bling, but am afraid the sweater borders on Grandma clothes. Not that I have anything against Grandma clothes - I LOVE them (on Grandmas)! But, I'm not a Grandma. Or even a mother (yet). I can add some more pics of it to give you a better idea - I know you'll lose some sleep over this, big decision!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

(an unknown) Shopping Fast

I realize it's almost the middle of April, but so far this month I haven't bought any clothes or accessories (except some running shorts and socks the other day,
but those don't count) for myself. 

I know this might not seem like a big deal to some, but occasionally, I'll go weeks (months?) without buying anything, and then splurge.
Sometimes three times.
In a matter of days.

It's odd - I'll be doing just fine, and then all of a sudden I get the idea that "I NEED this!" into my head, and the shopping bug bites. And then, I can't get it out of my head. I'll hold on to the idea that I must buy SOMETHING, and will spend my money on something (anything!) I don't particularly love.
It's truly a waste of time and money.
And brain cells.

So, I realize I only have 16 more days to go, and the first 14 passed by pretty easily (since I didn't really know I was on a "shopping fast"), but sometimes saying things aloud (or typing them) makes them more real. And sometimes more difficult.

So, here's to not purchasing clothing or accessories for myself for the rest of the month of April!

I've got way too many clothes as it is...but really...

UPDATE: I just gave a friend of mine 4 dresses. Here's to also getting rid of things I don't wear!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Comfy in Pink


                     *he wanted his feet in the picture, too

I wore this on Friday to work. I thought about wearing something else (a bit dressier) but then I remembered it was Friday. And Fridays are the beginning of the weekend. So leggings & a sweatshirt-dress-type-thing it was!

Right after our "photoshoot," we went out for dinner at a local Cajun place, Mo Betta Gumbo. SO. GOOD. I got a Buffalo Shrimp Po' Boy, and my Mr. got Jambalaya. We were both very impressed, and will definitely eat there again.

See my "shadow" in almost every picture? He never strays too far from me on a walk. And our chic-a-dee isn't pictured, as she was stuck like glue to my photog. 

Sweatshirt: Walmart (old)
Leggings: Walmart (old)
Shoes: Coach via DSW

Friday, April 12, 2013

Chambray & a Maxi Skirt

I picked out this outfit before I went to bed. I get MUCH better results when I do that instead of standing in front of my closet in the morning, 2 minutes before I need to leave for work, 
saying "Ummm...I have nothing to wear..."

Chambray: thrifted
Maxi Skirt: Thrifted
Tights: WalMart
Shoes: Kohl's
Scarf: gift from Mama via Coldwater Creek (her favorite store)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Mr. Picks Mondays: a [pink] variation

When my Mr. originally picked out my outfit yesterday, I thought I'd wear this dusty pink blazer with it. It's a nice look, but a bit too dressy for my work - a more casual take on a suit. 

So even though I didn't wear it, I thought I'd share it here.

I wanted both of the pooches for a picture, but Handsome likes to burrow under our bed, with all the luggage...

So Pretty Girl and I took a picture...

And he sensed that she was getting more attention than him...

So he made an appearance, and consented to be in the picture, as long as I promised to give him lots of lovin'...which of course, I did :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

Mr. Picks Mondays: Blue & Brown

Sorry for the indoor pictures - it was not pretty outside. We're under a blizzard
warning, or something like that. And it was SO nice this weekend...

Today, he picked out the top & bottoms - I got to add the sweater. Which didn't seem necessary at lunchtime, but by 3 o'clock today, wasn't warm enough!

I'm a newbie poser - I'm working on it, promise!

The verdict is still out on these pants. I've had them FOREVER, and I hemmed them so I could wear them with flats, or shorter heels. But they're such a wide leg, on such a short person - what do you think? Keep them or toss them?

Top: gift from a friend
Sweater: Eddie Bauer
Pants: Kohl's
Shoes: MIA

I know it's not Thursday, but here's a throwback for you, anyways :D

*why am I cheesing so big? If I remember correctly, this was around 6 am*

Here's me in this same sweater, my first day of my senior year of high school...proving that I hang onto clothes for a long time. Too long? But I love the color, so I just can't part with it!

Sweater: Eddie Bauer
Shorts: Old Navy (still have those, too!)
Sandals: Payless (those are gone, proving I CAN get rid of things. Sometimes...)

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring Stripes

No matter how cliche it sounds, or how many times you hear it, it IS tough to dress for this time of year! It's freezing in the morning, but today it hit 72 degrees this afternoon. It's warm outside, but my office is FREEZING! What's a girl to do?! Wear long sleeves, a long light skirt, all with sandals. I know, juxtaposing seasons together, but it worked! For today, anyway :)

I did get asked why I was so dressed up response: a shrug and "Just wanted to look nice for spring!" My office is pretty casual, so anything beyond jeans and a blouse/nice top is "dressed up," which I know is absurd to some. My parents both can't believe that I'll wear jeans, and *GASP* the occasional t-shirt to work. I work in higher ed, and across campus the dress code is pretty casual. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE it - I love being able to wear jeans, or tennis shoes (tenniepumps, as my sis-in-law says), but I do wish the that occasional skirt or slacks wouldn't get questioned so much.


What's the dress code where you work or go to school?

Top: Old Navy
Skirt: thrifted from my favorite thrift store that has since closed its doors. Boo.
Sandals: Maurice's
Earrings: gift from my mom