
Thursday, June 4, 2015

teal & sky blue

Teal on teal, plus dark hair and dark skinnies. That's apparently how I roll. Or at least how I rolled on this particular day.

I've had this cardigan since high school...but the color never gets old! It's such a nice sky blue meets teal that makes my eyes POP, so, even though, it is almost the age of a 5th grader, on my sweater shelf it remains. And, wow, has the way I style it changed ten times over - Lara, Mom, can we all agree that this is very different than how I used to wear it way-back-when? (we're talking a tank top underneath, flared jeans, STRAIGHT hair, and those clog-type slide-on shoes everyone was wearing between 2005 and 2007 (mine were taupe). I might have even had a string (or five) of shell necklaces...

Back to THIS outfit: what I like about the combination of this plaid button-up and cardigan is twofold:
1) it mixes old and new(er) items in my closet; and
2) the monochromatic vibe is still there, without being TOO overwhelming,

plaid button up: c/o Aéropostale
cardigan: Eddie Bauer
dark skinnies: c/o Aéropostale
pink flats: Coldwater Creek

linking up:

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

still here

Hi! Yes, I'm still here, just been a bit swamped lately (I know, I hate how that sounds, but it's true), with: painting houses (x2), running, puppy loving, friends, family, and other beginning-of-summer festivities. 

In the meantime, that's me and my Dad in the picture above - aren't we cute?

Thursday, May 21, 2015

replacement sandals

You guys, a rare day of sunshine. No joke - it's been raining for the past three weeks or so. Flood warnings all over the place, and everything is SO GREEN (except for my hydrangea plant, which died just a few days after it came home, so, that stinks).

And I got some new sandals. I got asked if I really needed them, and my answer is decidedly "YES." I got rid of my brown sandals at the end of last summer, and have been on the outlook for replacements (same with my black sandals - I'd had those bad boys since 2008). I found these tan t-straps with jangly beads on a recent shopping trip with a friend (I also found some black tassel sandals - I'll show you soon!). So, to all you haters who questioned my big girl decision to buy some sandals, I DID need them. And they look goooood.

And that pretty necklace? From Rocksbox. Use the code sweetbananiexoxo for a free month of jewelry rental.

white v-neck: WalMart
mint jeans: Lauren Conrad via Kohl's
white cardigan: thrifted (Hollister)
tan sandals: Kohl's
brown belt: American Eagle (a decade ago...)

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

visual trickery

Here's those pants again.
Can't stop, won't stop.

This time I went for a black and white look, with some print mixing. I really dig it, except the v-neck on this tee under the rounded collar on this cardigan doesn't really thrill me. It's one of those things that just looks a bit odd when you really scrutinize it.

Never mind - I just employed one of my visual tricks: move really fast so if something looks funny, it isn't noticed. I call it an "optical illusion." I have a glitzy watch from my brother that's missing a few rhinestones; solution: wear it and just move my hands quickly when I'm talking to someone. They never even notice. Feel free to use that one ;)

shirt: Target
cardigan: J. Crew Factory
pants: WalMart
heels: Target

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


Stripes and leopard. A classic case of print mixing. I guess the only thing a bit different about this version than previous leopard and stripe adventures is that the leopard and stripes are navy blue and gold-ish, instead of black and gold-ish. Navy colored leopards exist in the wild, right? Of course they do.

And since this skirt is pretty loud, I paired it with nude flats, and jewelry in the same color family. Didn't want to distract from my navy colored leopard. I mean, "camouflage."

shirt: Target
skirt: thrifted (Target)
necklace: Target
flats: Old Navy

linking up:

Monday, May 18, 2015


This is the perfect outfit for a not-quite-cold, not-quite-warm, gray day in Colorado. My arms were covered, yet I never overheated because of my bare legs. However, I would avoid wearing a skater-skirt dress like this one if the wind is out to play. Unless, of course, you want to show off your knickers. And then, by all means...

dress: c/o Aéropostale
cardigan: Ann Taylor
black belt: thrifted
black flats: Target
green bag: gift

Sunday, May 17, 2015

playing closet: Tate

This is my friend, Tate. And she is great (my rhymes – do you appreciate?).

We joined Zeta at the same time, and we fell in love just after Bid Day. She spent two years with the Peace Corps in Botswana, and came back to the States almost a year ago (I know we’re all glad to have her back – me, her family, her friends, me, her boyfriend, her animals, me).

She’s a smart lady, who loves science, and loves to help people, so she’s going to med school, natch. She starts this summer and asked for my help in putting together an updated wardrobe for this next chapter in her busy life. Being the interested-in-fashion-and-style friend that I am, I wholeheartedly agreed (and by that, I mean I replied with a very enthusiastic “YAAASSSSS!”).

We started by Tate sharing her style "Pinboard" with  me via Pinterest, so I could get a better sense of her style, especially after living abroad for the last 2 years. We discussed her between-jeans-and-business-casual dress code for medical school, and the her style: boho meets young professional. Then we were finally able to get together one evening (after several weeks of planning and "would this evening work? what about this time?" discussions), with the company of her dog and cat.

Currently, her clothes are spread between a few different places, all over the State, so we tackled what she had in her closet currently. We went through each and every item and discussed:

Could she wear this for med school?
What about clinicals in a few years?
Can she pair this with items she already has?
If not, what are some pieces that would complete several outfits?

We came up with a list of items that would be worthwhile to add to her closet, a few of those items are: a black pencil skirt, some new Converse, a chambray shirt, flowy cardigans, and a faux leather jacket, as well as a list of items to replace when she happens upon the perfect item: an LBD, a polka dot shirt, and a big black belt.

We also discussed several ways to wear some of the items she already has, such as her flannel shirt under a pullover sweater, or a cardigan, and the easiest way to print mix: florals and stripes, or polka dots and stripes.

And, just this weekend, we were able to get together again and work on her closet. I don't have any pictures to share, but we did pretty much the same thing as before. And she took a few items off my hands for me, including a really cute floral dress that she might wear for her white coat ceremony this summer...!