
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mint, meet Python. Python meet Mint AND 30 for 30: Day 5

I wore this outfit a few weeks ago, back in October. I saw this lady on Instagram wearing mint pants and a leopard top. Now, I DON'T have a leopard top, but I DO have a python print top. So, I substituted the python for the leopard. And was pret-teeeeeee pleased with the results. This is something I would never have thought to pair together. 

Where do you get your outfit inspiration? I've started taking screenshots of some outfits on Instagram so I can look back and be re-inspired when I'm picking out my clothes.

Day 5

this is a wool sweater. I was "shivering." you know, cold weather & a wool sweater go together like peas & carrots

I thrifted this sweater a few weeks ago at our local Habitat for Humanity. It's from GAP, and is VERY warm, since it's made of wool. Almost too warm - I was warm (and a bit too itchy) all day, even with a soft tank underneath. I like the fit (the boatneck collar *swoon*) and the color of this sweater, but am hesitant to wear it again until it's REALLY cold, so I don't overheat walking from the copy machine to my desk. Also, I think the person who had this sweater before me folded it in half longways - the middle puckers just a wee bit where the fibers "cross." 

Or did you not even notice until I pointed it out? ;)

linking up over here

Saturday, November 9, 2013

30 for 30: Days 3 & 4

Day 3

I did some necklace layering, and wore a fancy new bracelet from my mom / from Lia Sophia

This ensemble spent the day at my in-laws house, watching football reading and taking naps. Did I mention the naps? The naps were great - the bulldogs agree, too. Hard to see in the pics above, but I was wearing my olive green skinnies. They are so. comfortable. Perfect for lounging, napping, and reading books instead of watching football...

Day 4

this whole getting-dark-before-5-thing is really cramping my style. BIG TIME. so, a goofy pose to brighten up these dark & orangey photos in our entryway...

Again, hard to see my pants in these pictures, but these are my navy corduroys - never would have thought to wear them with this sweater before (aaah, before, when I had full use of my closet). Now, I have to look at things differently, squint a leetle bit, and take a creative license and assure my husband that my clothes DO actually go together :)

Friday, November 8, 2013

30 for 30: Days 1 & 2

Day 1

Day 1 of my 30 for 30 challenge. I chose my 30 items late on the 31st of October, and threw this together in the morning - not too bad for the first day ;)

Day 2

my Dad took these pictures for me, right after we had dinner last weekend.
this is me asking "do I have anything in my teeth?"

I LOVE this necklace I got at a consignment shop #truelove

Last weekend we made a trip to visit both sets of parents. They live pretty close (I could make it home for curfew in about 13 minutes), so we get to see both sets of folks. And this trip, we really DID get to see everyone - we got to see our good friends, M & L, who just moved back to our beautiful state after having spent the last year and a half out east. We are SO glad they're back - we missed them so much!

More headed your way, including a post that lists my 30 items for the rest of this month. Hope your weekend is off to a great start!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Some of us were in costume...

Cali was a princess, and Turbo was a shark. Clever, huh?

I wore this black and orange get up on Halloween last week. I thought I could at least dress like Halloween if I wasn't going to don a costume. This top is the other orange item I own (orange just isn't my color, however, "Pink is my signature color." Name that movie!). 

from my Instagram. aren't they just too cute? 

Hope everyone had a great Halloween and a nice weekend - we didn't have trick-or-treaters on Halloween, but we did have a very nice weekend visiting friends and family out of town.

I have picked out my 30 items for my November 30 for 30, but forgive me for not posting about it yet - some of the items are in the wash, and I've got a backlog of several outfits from October to share with you. I AM completing my challenge and taking pictures though, so please be patient with me - I will share! Promise!

Also, get excited for me! I'm meeting The Pioneer Woman tomorrow! Her latest cookbook came out last week, and a stop in Colorado is on her book tour - yessssss! I'm taking the afternoon off and can't wait to meet Ree, and have her sign my cookbooks. And become besties. Nobutseriously. I can vouch that every single one of her recipes is TO. DIE. FOR. Trust me :) 

shirt: Kohl's
scarf: thrifted
jeans: GAP Outlet
flats: Kohl's

Turbo's hat: WalMart
Cali's crown: WalMart
Cali's tutu: Target

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Green Pants and Furry Treats

turtles for good luck!

A few weeks ago, my best friend had a HUGE bag of clothes she was ready to part with, and she gave them to me. I pawed through them and pulled out my faves. Among them, these green pants. 

Can I say I'm in love

The color, the fit, even the length - we are a true match made in heaven. Why hadn't she given them to me sooner?! I guess she was wearing them? I digress.

Anyway, I was thrilled, and I have a few other goodies I snagged that I'm going to share with you soon - I have to think up new and creative ways to wear them, first! She gets a kick out of the different ways I wear her old stuff (this is definitely not the first time she's shared her closet with me).

I realize today is Halloween, and I'm not wearing a costume. So un-festive, I know. It's not that I dislike Halloween - the opposite, actually! I especially love seeing the creative & thoughtful costumes that people put together - I get the biggest kick out of people watching, and I consider Halloween to be the championship. However, we don't get trick-or-treaters where we currently live, so, it's a little tough to get into the "holiday spirit" when you know that cute little kids in costume won't be coming by for some candy! But, I'm not a total party-pooper - my work is having a little Halloween potluck, and I'm bringing...







Except for not! 

Except for the part where they're delicious!

They're jalapeno peppers hollowed out and filled with cream cheese, then wrapped in bacon and baked (I know some people call them "jalapeno poppers", but "dead mice" is SO much more appropriate for All Hallow's Eve). I leave the stems on, so when they're all done, they really do look like little dead mice. They're pretty time consuming (I made them for FOUR hours straight last year), but SO. YUMMY. And they're always a hit, so the appreciation (and praise! and thanks!) is well worth the effort. If you're interested in the recipe, let me know and I'll be sure to post it and share. 

it begins with hollowing out the peppers, which takes FOREVER.
wear gloves. DO NOT touch your face. eyes. anything.
see the little "tails"?
there they go...
Hope you have a great Halloween today! Any great costume ideas?

shirt: Express via Marshall's
pants: my friend
scarf: Aeropostale
flats: KMart

linked up over here

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Double-y Plaid

if this picture doesn't perfectly encompass autumn, I don't know what does

I thought this was the perfect fall outfit for the perfect fall day. It incorporated some very fall-esque items: plaid, flannel, olive, booties & a down vest. Oh, and the requisite pictures with leaves (above & below). 

The weather this day was perfect, and it made me fall more in like (we're not at love. yet.) with fall. Normally I hang on to summer with every fiber of my being, but this year I've embraced autumn with halfway-open arms. Maybe it's the beautiful colors, or the slight chill in the air. Or that this summer was SO. HOT. Whatever it is, I don't hate it!

don't worry, we were stopped at a red light :)
I really dig the double plaid we had going on
This day was also amazing because this is the day we made an offer on our house, and it was accepted! I can't help but think that both of us in plaid is good luck. Don't be surprised if you see a lot more plaid over the next few weeks!

shirt: Old Navy
vest: (Aéropostale) thrifted
pants: Aéropostale
booties: Old Navy
sunglasses: Kohl's

his shirt: Kohl's

linked up over here with my layers