
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label winter. Show all posts

Friday, February 20, 2015

you do not

I know yesterday I talked about being cold and wearing a beanie for warmth + several other layers + furry boots + a down vest. But today, it's all about a chambray dress, light scarf, bare legs, and boots.

When the temperature reaches the 60s in the middle of winter, and the sun is shining,
you do not question.
You do not wear 18 layers.
You do not pass GO.
You do not stop to collect $200.
You wear a dress, ditch the tights, and ditch the heavy jackets.
At least for a few days.

dress: Kohl's
henley: Express
cardigan: Banana Republic
scarf: WalMart
boots: Nordstrom

Thursday, February 19, 2015

stealing beanies

This beanie is stolen.

No, not from a store, or from a merchant. It's bought and paid for, with a receipt and everything


I did steal it from someone in my family. I had ski hair, I was cold, and I liked the new beanie:
it's navy blue (*swoon*), warm, doesn't make me look bald like most beanies, and has a Colorado flag on it. Not sure if it will ever get back to its rightful owner...

shirt: Kohl's
vest: Old Navy
beanie: Breckenridge Hat Store
pants: Aéropostale
snow boots: SOREL via JAX

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

the end of a sweater era

Here we are. The end of an era. The end of a sweater wearing era.

Ha. Not really.

I'll be wearing sweaters (and layers and coats and scarves and boots) until at least May.
But I AM at the end of my posts about my 31 sweaters (trust: I wore them all in January. I'm a bit behind on posting, so my apologies for this style challenge bleeding into February).

So, I did it. I wore my 31 sweater-y items (sweaters, sweatshirts + sweater dresses) in 31 days.
And took pictures and then posted them here on the internet. 

What did I learn? 

That I might have too many sweaters. That I don't need any more. And sometimes it's fun to pick out your outfit within some constraints - it forces me to get creative and come up with ways to make something wearable that I might have otherwise glossed over. 

So, again, reinforcing that I don't need to add to my closet, and that I like style challenges - both things I already knew. But those are both nice lessons to reinforce ;)

See all 31 sweaters here.

And read about "The Sweater Saga"

Sunday, February 15, 2015

the final sweater, #31

Here's the final sweater to round out my "Sweater a Day Challenge" for January...halfway through February...oops (I wore them in order, in January, but am backlogged on posting).

This black cable-knit makes 31. This is it. My final sweater. Look for a recap in the next few days. 

linking up at On the Daily Express and More Pieces of Me, and over here too, since it's been a while since I've worn this sweater

sweater: American Eagle
jeans: c/o Aéropostale
scarf: WalMart
boots: c/o Aéropostale

Friday, February 13, 2015

indigo pants + sweater #30

It's tough to see, but I'm wearing a pink button up shirt under that white cable knit sweater. And these pants. Let's talk about these pants for a hot minute.

They're navy blue.
They're skinnies.
They're stretchy.
They fit like a glove.
All of the above are good things,


They're also some special indigo dye, and they have been rubbing off on whatever I wear them with. By the end of the day, this sweater was turning a wee bit blue on the sleeves and around my waist/hips. So, that's frustrating. However, I'm supposed to wash them by themselves the first few times, then I should be ok. 

We'll see.

The price of fashion, my friends.
The things I do for the pants I love.

button up: Eddie Bauer
sweater: Old Navy
scarf: gift
pants: target
boots: Nordstrom

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

sunny days + sweater #28

We've been experiencing some really great weather lately.
60 degrees, sunny, and in FEBRUARY. It's unreal.
And I LOVE it.

I can wear skirts and dresses without tights!
And less than 3 layers at a time!
And only a light jacket!
And I can patio drink...!

**linking up this outfit over here - check it out**

dress: WalMart
sweater: Ann Taylor
scarf: WalMart
boots: Nordstrom

Saturday, January 31, 2015

the sweater saga, part 7 + sweater #22

previously, the sweater saga...
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6

I'm not at all an expert, and I'm not saying you have to , or should do, the same. But I find myself leaning more and more towards less. I've accumulated a lot of stuff in my 20-some years, and have some sorting and tossing to do, as I always will. But my goal is to never be a "manager of stuff" - keeping things just because I MIGHT someday, in 30 years, need it. For one thing. One time.

But, instead, keeping around and actually using the things I use and wear and enjoy every day, as opposed to things that the maintenance of stresses me out - you know, a 90% piece of furniture, instead of a 10% piece. Or appliance. Or feature of my home.

And this argyle sweater is the perfect layer on top of my bulldog tee. I just love my little sweeties so much, I wear them on my shirt. They're so stinking cute, you guys. Olaf runs circles around me when I get home and can't wait for me to play tug of war with him. And a little update: we adopted him with several infections - ears, eyes, and skin (fungal & bacterial). He's got quite the pharmacy, but it seems to be helping!! Hoping we can get his skin issues sorted out soon, so he's not quite to itchy.

shirt: J. Crew Factory
sweater: from a friend (J. Crew)
pants: J. Crew Factory
flats: Target

Sunday, January 25, 2015

the sweater saga, part 5 + sweater #20

previously, the sweater saga...

So, I have all of these things and stuff and luxuries that are very nice to have, BUT, moving forward, I'm trying to not contribute to them. Instead, I'm trying to focus on making the most of what I already have, without adding more. I don't like having 18 hair products to choose from, or several types of shampoo. This winter, I've been wearing the same 3 pairs of shoes over and over + my snow boots, when it's gross. I rotate the same few coats, and I lean towards my favorite scarves over and over.

Having some options (less, but still some) seems to make me a happier person. Currently, I've got several books on my nightstand I'm working through - and I’m trying to power through them so I can have only one book I'm in the middle of. And reading for speed to get through an enjoyable book isn't great.

It's the dilemma of too much/too many/too many choices, eating away at my being able to really enjoy one book at a time. Or one bottle of lovely perfume. 

still to be continued...

dress: J. Crew Factory
button up shirt: c/o Aéropostale
patterned tights: WalMart
boots: The Frye Company via Nordstrom

Monday, January 19, 2015

sweater #14

Check out these layers, textures & prints today. Leopard under gray & lace, velvet pants, and shiny patent pointy-toed flats. All things I never would have paired together a few years ago, but now I just love it, and can't wait to put together more outfits like this.

And that makes 14.

leopard button up: WalMart
lace sweatshirt: rue21
velvet pants: J. Crew Factory
flats: Target

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

the sweater saga, part 2 + sweaters 10 & 11

I'm counting this sweatshirt and warm charcoal-colored maxi skirt as sweaters 10 and 11.
Keep reading to hear more about my thoughts on my closet, my sweaters, and minimalism...

part 1 of the Sweater Saga here

My purpose in sharing my "Sweater Saga" on my little blog is not to gloat and show off how many sweaters (or other items of clothing I own), or impress anyone with my precise mathematics of 31 sweaters in 31 days. But in the past year, I've become really intrigued and fascinated with the idea of minimalism.

Before you stop reading, I'm not saying I'm going to become extreme and give away all of my possessions and move into a tiny home, but I have been trying to incorporate some minimalist principles to my life. I've started asking myself: "Do I really need this? Should this even enter my home?" I'm trying to be very thoughtful when it comes to bringing items into my home or adding things to my life - I've discovered that stuff overwhelms me. Easily. Upkeeping it, moving it, cleaning it, maintaining it.

This is something I've got lots of thoughts about, so stay tuned...

Oh, oh, and I linked up this outfit from the other day over here for a weekly style challenge!

sweatshirt: American Eagle
v-neck: Target
scarf: WalMart
skirt: thrifted
boots: c/o Aéropostale