
Saturday, May 16, 2015

most favorite

This is one of my favorite outfits of ALL TIME *Kanye at the 2009 VMAs*
Let’s examine the elements that make it MOST FAVORITE, shall we?

1) the dress

It's feminine, fun, bright, and pink + navy = love

I got it last fall, and have only worn it once. I tend to not wear Lilly dresses for every day activities (work), because they are too fancy. But adding a shirt underneath disguised the dress as more of a jumper, instead of a fun party dress (which it is, in its real life).

And also, this dress is a heavier fabric, making it perfect to wear each and every season – the lack of sleeves make it ideal for summer, but the weight is heavier than a cotton sundress, so it won’t look out of place with tights, sweaters, and boots when the cold comes around again.

2) the layering of a classic button-up shirt underneath the dress

By now, I hope you know that I LOVE button-ups. However, this navy blue one always stumps me on how to wear it, because it’s so basic. And depending on the day, it feels too big and, yet, too small, sometimes. Weird, I know.

3) the shoes (the shoes are two-fold)

a) adding leopard print in the form of my shoes = print mixing (that, and they were more comfortable to walk to my lunch date in)

b) the bedazzled blue flats create a more cohesive look with the dress and button-up (I switched to these after work to run an errand to look more like a grown up)

4) good hair day

I have since gotten a trim and *dun dun dun* gone to the dark side (proof on Instagram), but sometimes my hair is long and flowy enough that I feel like a mermaid (you know what I mean).

5) the handsome pup in the last picture

O has been such a great addition to our little family, first as a companion to Turbo, and now as an only dog. He is full of personality, love, and silly little antics. #obsessed

dress: Lilly Pulitzer
button up: thrifted (J. Crew)
blue flats: thrifted
leopard flats: c/o Aero

linking up:

Friday, May 15, 2015

teaching & librarian-ing

Back in elementary school, I had dreams of becoming a teacher, or perhaps a librarian. And this is something I might have worn in either of those careers. But, my outfit would also depend on my location, and who I was working with – maybe this skirt would be too short for getting up and down from a reading circle in Kindergarten, or maybe not long enough to reach up to the top shelf when restacking books.
Either way, consider this peplum, cardigan, glasses, and oxfords look a nod to teachers and librarians, who are soon-to-be free for the summer!

dress: Target
cardigan: Eddie Bauer
oxfords & leopard print belt: thrifted
glasses: America’s Best

*edit: I had to add tights and booties, because, #springtimeintheRockies

tights: Target
ankle booties: Old Navy

linking up: Charming Lucy

Thursday, May 14, 2015

gaming in comfort

This outfit was perfect for a game night, which just so happens to be what I wore it for. We had friends over, and they brought lots of delicious food (tapas and desserts, only). We supplied the beverages and the gathering space, and some of the games. The Mr. is really into games, but me, not so much – I’m more into the socializing that goes along with the games, although I play a mean game of Catchphrase.

But a Game Night did occur, and this is what I wore to participate and host. A mint v-neck tee (knotted – it’s what all the fashion bloggers on Pinterest are doing…tres chic, non?), pants (harem pants? parachute pants? MC Hammer pants? joggers? athleisure wear? I don’t know. I DO know that they are very comfortable, and I’ve been told they make my rear look nice. So, continue to wear them, I shall.), and my trusty python print flats, which might be headed to the dumpster soon – they’re not holding up so well, but I can’t expect much more from my sweet $10 shoes. I added the gray statement necklace for some visual interest, and clipped my hair half-up/half-down, a small switch from my usual curls or ponytail.

Have you ever tried these type of pants? All my girlfriends shower me with compliments when I wear them, but the Mr. is not a fan...
maybe I need to add a few more pairs to really show him how versatile they are...

mint V-neck: Old Navy
harem pants? parachute pants? MC Hammer pants? joggers? athleisure wear?: WalMart
statement necklace: WalMart
python print flats: WalMart

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

fun, not stuffy

Chelsea, our distinguished alumni scholarship recipient (she's working on her Master's - woot woot)
with her scholarship award
not pictured: me standing up to cheer and make her smile for a picture as she received her award.
she called me her Stage Mom...#stagemom #stagemomforeva

Here it is. A classy dress, classic jacket, and solid pumps – yet together, they create something a little offbeat and unexpected. 
This is what I wore for a scholarship brunch (my friend was the alumni recipient!! #stagemom #smilesweetie). I wanted to be classy, age appropriate, scholarly (even though I, myself, was not a scholarship candidate), yet stay far away from stuffy.
So I decided on lace, suede, and tweed. All of those elements by themselves are classic, and even paired together they would create a very timeless look. What makes this look hit all the points I wanted to cover is the color pairings (navv blue with varying shades of pink), and the different textures (plus the fun printed clutch). Regarding color, these shoes go with everything, turns out. And you know I luuurvvvvve navy blue. This jacket was just begging to be worn after a long hiatus of sitting in a box in a spare bedroom.
And then the textures – lace, tweed, and suede. By now I’m sure you know I’m a huge fan of different textures – whether it’s actual texture, or the appearance of different textures by using different prints. I think I really hit the nail on the head with this look – it was perfect for a Saturday morning brunch at a country club to celebrate Panhellenic scholarships, and, the icing on the cake - it was pretty comfortable, too. No pulling at Spanx, or complaining when I overate, which of course, I did…I mean, we were served breakfast burritos, and those are my love language.

dress: GG Boutique
wedges: ALDO
jacket: consignment (Express)
clutch: Lilly Pulitzer for Target

Sadly, this is the last picture you’ll see of both dogs – our handsome Turbo passed away a few days after these were taken. He went very peacefully, in his sleep, but completely unexpected. We are missing his sweet & grumpy old self quite a bit. However, Olaf is reveling in the attention of being an only dog.

linking up with:

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

greening up

Things are really greening up around here...

Exhibit A: this wall of greenery behind me
And Exhibit B: my grassy green purse

And things SHOULD be greening up – it rained here in Colorado for the past week or so. Talk about lots of flooding, standing water, and even hail and snow. In May. And a lack of Vitamin D, which is a bit disheartening, and hurts our “300 days of sunshine per year” average. The sun came out for a bit yesterday, and it took me a minute to remember what that’s like… ;)
and now, it appears that wonky weather is back for good.
Or, at least today, anyway.

navy blue dress: from a friend
sweater: c/o Aéropostale
scarf: thrifted (Lucky Brand)
boots: The Frye Company via Nordstrom
purse: gift

Sunday, May 10, 2015

print mixing on Mother's Day

Today we got some stripes, plaid, and strawberry print on the shoes. So, oh, what's that? Some print mixing.

Times three, you say? It's true. Three times the (subtle) print mixing, all in different shades of red and blue, plus some basic skinny jeans.

It's a pretty all-American look, in every sense of the word, methinks.

Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there - hope you get pampered and appreciated for all you do :)

striped shirt: GAP
button-up shirt: c/o Aéropostale
skinny jeans: c/o Aéropostale
flats: Keds

Saturday, May 9, 2015

playing closet: Amanda

Many many weeks ago (back in March - yikes!) my friend, Amanda, and I decided to "play closet" at her house one evening. We had some wine, Mean Girls, and puppy love from her shiba inu, named Kirin (find him on Instagram: @kirintheshiba).

The plan was to evaluate her closet a bit, and transition her closet from winter wear to spring/summer wear. Amanda works in a local school district, with a business casual plus dress code. She occasionally attends conferences and teaches seminars, and has to break out the suit and heels. She also kicks my rear every time we run together, and teaches a mean Zumba class - girl loves fitness and being healthy and working out. 

Here is her closet before we started. And an almost empty glass of red...

We started by examining each piece of clothing and asking a few questions about it:

1) Does it fit? (getting at if it should be donated or kept)
2) Do you love it? (again, getting at the same as above)
3) How recently have you worn this? (again, keep or donate)
3) Is this wintery, or can you wear it during the warmer months?

Amanda's winter stuff got moved to the back of her closet, so it's out of sight, and out of mind until the fall. Personally, I find that helpful and useful - it's the worst to look at heavy sweaters in the middle of summer; it makes me feel like I have nothing to wear because I can't wear what's in front of me.

There were a few items we hung a little bit to the side - lighter sweaters, perfect for the snowy days in April and May (*cough* Mother's Day *cough*), or a cold office. And when we get to the heat of the summer, they can easily be added back into the winter clothes pile. 

When we rehung the clothes she can wear for warmer weather, we grouped them by sleeve type/length (some people do color, or style). We then moved to pants, jeans, dresses, and skirts, and worked our way through those.

Last were shoes and scarves.

Here is the after shot of Amanda's closet. Truth be told, we didn't really get rid of that many items - I think a handful. All we really did was sort, and condense, and discuss potential outfit options:

"This polka dot shirt is great. What do you normally wear it with? This would also be really great paired with these pants, or under a dress. Or what about this color skirt?"

Dresses and maxi skirts.

We also discussed a few pieces Amanda should consider adding to her closet as a young, hot, fun, stylish lady and professional: #1 being a chambray (she ended up coming to my house a few weeks later, and taking one off my hands. win-win.), and a skirt or two, plus a few dresses. 

So, even if my sweet friend doesn't end up adding anything to her closet, or changes around the organization of it, I think we came up with some great ideas for outfits, and multiple ways to wear some great pieces she has. And, we got watch listen to Gretchen Weiners and Regina George in action. I mean...

Happy Saturday - I'm off getting my toesies did with girlfriends, then to a Zeta event, then a graduation celebration, all in one day! Whew - this girl is going to be tiiiiiired.