
Monday, March 31, 2014

Mr. Picks Mondays: Pink. And Shiny!

The Mr. chose the sequined top (confession: a new find. from WalMart. for just under $4!!!), and I added the velour blazer & scarf. I really like the monochromatic look of the blazer and scarf, as well the texture play with the top, blazer & scarf. I find that lately I'm trying to create layers of texture while it's still a wee bit chilly outside - not so easy to do when it's sweltering outside, which is where the weather is headed, YIPPEE!!!!! I luuuurrrrrve summer!

Think you'll pull out your sequins and recreate something similar?
Sure hope you do! And let me know about it!


tank: WalMart similar below
blazer: thrifted similar below
scarf: gift similar below
jeans: Aéropostale exact
boots: Rack Room Shoes similar below

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's Still Winter. And I'm Still Layering.





Even though it was sunny and in the 50s today, I know there are still several more snow storms headed my way. So, even though the calendar says it's spring, I know that Mother Nature says it's still winter (instead of "Winter is coming" think of it as "Winter is still here. Foreverrrrr."). So, two more layered sweater looks. Aaaand, my wrinkled pups. Or, their backsides, anyways :)

I've got to scoot to bed (this girl is tired since she's been RUNNING again!), so I'll link up my outfits later, since I KNOW you're just dying to know where I got everything so you can go out and buy out the EXACT same things and we can be twinsies & besties.




on the left:
pea coat: Old Navy similar below
shirt: Old Navy similar below
sweater: Old Navy similar below
jeans: from a friend (Abercrombie)
booties: Old Navy similar below

on the right:
shirt: Akinz Boardwear similar below
sweater: thrifted (J CREW) similar below
jeans: Aéropostale exact in link
flats: WalMart similar below

Monday, March 24, 2014

Mr. Picks Mondays: Green Pants & Dots

My Mr. chose the bright green pants and had the hardest time choosing a top. I suggested several options: button ups, a sweater, a long sleeve shirt, a chambray and to that, he replied "What is that?" I reached into my closet and grabbed this polka dot one as an example - his eyes lit up and he said "That one!" He's always liked this thrifted number, so I wore it tucked in, and added my dotted & tasseled flats to add extra dimension to the color & pattern scheme.

These pants make me think of spring, since they're such a bright pretty green. And, since spring has sprung (except for the snow we had yesterday...), it's only fitting to break them out this time of year.


chambray: thrifted similar below
pants: from a friend (Urban Outfitters) similar below
belt: American Eagle similar below
shoes: Target similar below

Sunday, March 23, 2014

How To: Get Dressed in the Dark






Ok, I didn't REALLY get dressed in the dark when I wore the two above outfits. However, I've come up with a formula for getting dressed quickly in the morning. It's so easy, you COULD do it in the dark, if you knew your closet by location and feel (an important piece of knowledge to have!).


step 1: Grab pants. Feel, or squint through the early-morning light, for some that are pretty simply, are a neutral, are comfortable, OR, if you've enjoyed delicious food all week/weekend, ones that are stretchy and you know will fit. Or better yet, ones that fit all four of the above criteria.

step 2: Reach for a button up shirt. I like them because they say "I'm here! I'm present! I put effort into my outfit!", but maintain the ability to be dressed up OR down, and of course, can help hide some overindulging (are you sensing a theme here?).

step 3: Put on a neutral sweater. I do like pull-overs layered over a button up, but sometimes a cardigan can add more "depth" to your ensemble by showing off the layer underneath your sweater layer. They're also easier to take off/put back on/take off again/and put on one last time than a pullover.

step 4: Add some jewelry, but not TOO much - you're not fully awake & aware just yet, remember?

step 5: Step into some fancy-ish shoes that you can stand to wear all day.

steps 6 & 7: If you're feeling productive, do your hair and makeup.

step 8: Grab coffee, breakfast, your purse, and head out the door, knowing you look fabulous (and did it all without being fully awake, natch)!


on the left:
polka dot button up: Kohl's similar below
cardigan: Maurice's similar below
pants: Aéropostale
flats: Kohl's similar below
earrings: Kohl's

on the right:
chambray: WalMart similar below
cardigan: thrifted (Kohl's) similar below
pants: Aéropostale
flats: Target similar below
scarf: WalMart similar below

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Edgy...with a side of Warm & Fuzzy





This is me trying out "edgy." I know it doesn't look like it, but I assure you, it is. 

If you look REALLY closely at the outfit on the left, my red shirt under the chambray has little bitty gold studs. They're in a polka dot pattern, but that is besides the point!

And, for my outfit on the right, I'm wearing coated denim, which is #2 on the edgy pants scale (#1 being leather pants, obvi). And nothing says grunge like black and white flannel, except for ripped acid wash jeans... 

However, I am obviously more interested in unicorns and rainbows, than in being edgy, as evidenced by my heart print scarf, and bulldog tee (below)...

Better luck next time!


on the left:
tank: Old Navy
chambray: thrifted similar below
scarf: Aéropostale exact
jeans: Aéropostale exact
shoes: KMart similar below

on the right:
bulldog T: J CREW Factory similar below
flannel: Old Navy similar below
coated denim: Kohl's similar below
shoes: Target similar below

Friday, March 21, 2014


Last week, I turned the big TWO FIVE. I'm 25. Solidly in my mid-twenties. Inching closer and closer to 30 (!!!). When I was in college, my friends and I would groan about getting older, and the younger girls in my sorority would tease us for "being old" and staying in for an evening, instead of heading "out."

While that used to be my view, I've recently adopted a more mature outlook on my yearly anniversary of being born - I'm going to enjoy it.
And relish it.
And look forward to everything this 25th year of life offers. 

I recently came across this quote:

"Do not regret growing old. It is a privilege denied to many."
- Unknown

And it struck a chord with me. How powerful.

So, I plan to be thankful for being 25. After all, good things came out of my 24th year - we bought a home, I started a new job that I enjoy, we bought a new-to-us (fast!) car, I got better at skiing, I ran a half-marathon, the Mr. did the Tough Mudder, we made new friends, and strengthened old friendships, celebrated our marriage, loved on our pups, and, oh, I started this little blog exactly 1 year ago today :)

a new Lilly Pulitzer dress - this has become a birthday tradition. My Mr. picks one out for me, (all on his own!) and surprises me with it on my birthday. He's got good taste, no?

I love Lilly dresses because they're typically so bright and colorful (except the 2 white ones from my Mr.), and they're classy dresses - I love to wear mine to showers, parties, and I wore one to our wedding rehearsal dinner. I know they're all over at the Carolina Cup, the Kentucky Derby, and tea parties :)

As I mentioned above, I started this blog one year ago today, with this little post right here. I like to think I've grown leaps and bounds in terms of blogging and style. S

o, if you've stuck around since Day 1, or just got here, thanks for sticking with me, and here's to another year!

I got fancy schmancy cupcakes at a local cupcake place in celebration of Sweet Bananie's "blogiversary", Buttercream Cupcakery - check them out if you're in Northern Colorado!

(without the sleeves)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Mr. Picks Mondays: Dressed for Spring (oh, and Ireland)

I last wore this orange skirt over the summer (oh, summer! how I can't wait for your arrival!) for a Bachelorette Party in Las Vegas (here). It's been hanging in my closet screaming (literally screaming, because it's so bright) "WEAR ME! I'M FUN! WEAR ME! I can go with tights and boots or wedges or sandals!"

I've come close a few times but haven't been able to pull the trigger and actually do it. 

Enter my Mr. and Monday.

He chose this bright, lacy, funky skirt and pronounced "This."

So. Boom. I had to wear it! And wear it I did! I tried to tone down the neon-ness of the skirt by keeping the rest of the ensemble pretty neutral and covered up. It's a spring outfit if I ever saw one - bright skirt, jacket, scarf, tights & booties. But, when it's ALMOST spring in Colorado, you can only roll with it and mix & match your sweaters with shorts and sandals snow boots the best you can.

Oh, and, I'm not even Irish (the Mr. is, though), and look at me - wearing orange & green like the Irish flag! Happy St. Patrick's Day!


shirt: from a friend similar below
skirt: WalMart sort of similar below, they're along the same vein - bright! orange!
jacket: thrifted (Land's End) similar below
scarf: thrifted (Lucky Brand) sort of similar below
booties: Old Navy similar below