
Showing posts with label running. Show all posts
Showing posts with label running. Show all posts

Thursday, June 13, 2013

30 for 30: Day 9



This is what I wore Sunday. It was SO. HOT. 

I waited all day for it to cool down so I could go running, but it never did! So, as soon as we took these pictures, I threw on my running shoes and new running skirt (from Marshall's!) and headed out. I had planned to do 4 miles, but since I didn't even get going til 8:20, I ended at 2. It was still warm out, but I didn't want to be running by myself in the dark. 

I'm trying to get up early and go running before work before it gets too hot, but my bed and I have this really great relationship where we like to spend as much time together as possible. Any tips to becoming an early-riser so I can be a morning runner?

I hit up Old Navy & Marshall's this past weekend - Old Navy  had a great deal on running shorts for the whole family. They had 2 pairs left in my size, so I scooped up 1 pair, and then headed to the men's section and grabbed 2 pairs for my Mr. He's doing the Tough Mudder this weekend and wanted some lighter shorts for the big event. And at Marshall's I picked up a running skirt for $15 and a running bra in mint - pretty exciting things! I think my skirt makes me run faster...maybe not. Either way, I FEEL really fast & cool, so, that counts for something.

As for the Black Forest Fire, I've been following the news here. They just released a list of homes lost to the fire - some of my good friends have lost their family homes. My heart is breaking for them.360 homes lost to this fire, 14 partially affected.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Just got a phone call that my Dad follows my little newbie blog. And he thinks I'm funny! That's what I've been trying to tell him since I could talk...

He also told me he didn't realize I'm such a little fashionista. I'm not sure how this is "news," since we would spend HOURS (seriously, HOURS) picking out my clothes for elementary school in the morning. For example:

A: "Daaaaad, I have nothing to wear. Will you help me pick something out?"

Dad: "What about this dress with these shoes?"

A: "Mmm, I can't stand that."

Dad: "What about these pants and this blouse?"

A: "Eh. They don't match."

Dad: "Sure they do! They're the same color!"


At least 4 times. Occasionally more.

And also, my closet first grew exponentially in HIS house - there never seemed to be enough room for all my finds. Once my brother went away to college, I started using HIS closet across the hall to store some clothes...the truth comes out...

And for Easter one year when I was little, my Dad was in charge of taking me dress shopping. Easy, right? We came home with a new dress, matching hat, gloves, socks, shoes, and an Easter basket. We got home and my Mom asked "Why did you buy all of this?" and my Dad replied "She said she needed it." Proof I've been a fashionista/diva since my youth ;)

Thanks for your patience, love, and understanding, Dad! 
Like I keep telling you, you're a shoo-in for the Dad Of The Year Award ;)

running our half - we made sure to smile big for every photographer we saw