
Showing posts with label pink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pink. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Flapper Girl

I wore this on a really great hair day. I washed my hair, blow dried it, and poof! All the blonde hairs on my head fell into place. This doesn't happen all too often...hardly ever, really...

So, I took this good hair day, combined it with a good outfit day, and took myself to get a beer after work with the Mr. and a few friends. Then headed home to love on the pups and watch the handsome one roll around in the grass.

Oh, and here's another lace/crochet skirt. It almost looks like a flapper's dress up close (almost), which is quite fitting ately - I've been listening to Flapper Girl by The Lumineers on repeat. 

Nice to listen to, ain't it? ;)

shirt: Old Navy
skirt: Nordstrom
sandals: WalMart
necklace: Target

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Navy on the Job

This navy cardigan from Banana Republic is a recent acquisition. And I LOVE it. Really. My life was just one big empty shell without this cardigan. 


I knew I wanted a navy cardigan, but I didn't realize how much I would love wearing it. Below are two different ways I styled it for work. Both with something else navy. Of course :)

left: sequins & bedazzled shoes / right: flannel & tennis shoes



on the right: I was invited to a construction site at work for a BIG project. the timing was too perfect - I mean, I was wearing flannel, AND long pants, AND close-toed shoes.
and my pink hard hat is e'er'thang


on the left:
sweater: Banana Republic
sequined tank: WalMart
scarf: gift (Old Navy)
jeans: Aéropostale
flats: thrifted

on the right:
sweater: Banana Republic
flannel shirt: Old Navy
jeans: thrifted (Old Navy)
shoes: Payless

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mr. Picks Mondays: Weird April Weather

As you can see, I'm standing in snow. Now, I'm not going to complain, because in Colorado, we definitely need the moisture. However, I WILL say, that it is ALMOST May.
And May is ALMOST summer.
So, Weird April Weather, get with the program, mmk?

sweater: Aéropostale
chambray: Lauren Conrad via Kohl's
pants: Aéropostale
boots: Rack Room Shoes

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Metallics. Kinda.

This infinity scarf has silver stripes running through it, so I matched it with my mixed metal sandals. And basic black skinnies. And a chambray, of course!

Happy Saturday! We're doing stuff around the house, and resting after a fun night out with friends.

chambray: Lauren Conrad via Kohl's
skinnies: Aéropostale
sandals: Target
scarf: gift

Monday, March 31, 2014

Mr. Picks Mondays: Pink. And Shiny!

The Mr. chose the sequined top (confession: a new find. from WalMart. for just under $4!!!), and I added the velour blazer & scarf. I really like the monochromatic look of the blazer and scarf, as well the texture play with the top, blazer & scarf. I find that lately I'm trying to create layers of texture while it's still a wee bit chilly outside - not so easy to do when it's sweltering outside, which is where the weather is headed, YIPPEE!!!!! I luuuurrrrrve summer!

Think you'll pull out your sequins and recreate something similar?
Sure hope you do! And let me know about it!


tank: WalMart similar below
blazer: thrifted similar below
scarf: gift similar below
jeans: Aéropostale exact
boots: Rack Room Shoes similar below

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Early [Weekend] Mornings

oh y'know, just shivering & trying to stay warm while trying to take cute outfit pictures ;)

This cold weather look is something I wore when we had to take one bulldog (the handsome one, Turbo) to the vet for an appointment on an early, snowy, cold Sunday morning. We dropped him off at 7:30 (7:30! on a Sunday!) to get his (sparse & very crooked) teeth cleaned. After we dropped him off, we headed to a favorite breakfast place that usually has a crazy long wait on the weekends. But since we were there before 8, we had no wait and were seated right away! 

And then, since we were up, and in town, and full on pancakes, bacon, and coffee by 9 am, we decided to run some errands. We were done with our errand running, shopping, productive-ness, and on our way home with the freshly-cleaned teeth of Turbo by NOON! This is unheard of for us, people! We like to sleep in on the weekends and take our time getting things done. We had so much done on this day before we're normally even out of pajamas, it made me start thinking about starting every weekend day early.

But then, I remembered that I and my Mr. enjoy sleeping in. Especially when it snows. And is cold outside. And there's fresh coffee to be drunk. And unwatched House of Cards episodes on NetFlix to be watched. And snoring bulldogs to be snuggled.

sweatshirt: Old Navy [similar below]
vest: Old Navy [similar below]
scarf: GAP (gift) [similar below]
jeans: Aéropostale
boots: SOREL [exact below]

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


I've got two (yes, you read that right - TWO!) looks for you today. They both include a bright sweater, printed neutral scarf, skinnies from Aero, and black boots. I didn't realize how similar they were until I was scrolling through some outfit pictures. Which made me realize that this is a sort of "uniform" I've been wearing this winter. And also that I have a thing for bright colors. And sweaters. And scarves. And skinnies. And maybe boots...

pink sweater: Aéropostale
gray striped scarf: thrifted [similar below]
jeans: Aéropostale
neon sweater: Old Navy [similar below]
polka dot scarf: Aéropostale
gray pants: Aéropostale
boots: KMart [similar below]

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mr. Picks Mondays: Spring in my Step

It was frigid cold outside, so we moved inside to take my picture without the blazer.

The Mr. chose the gray lace top and black pants - I chose to "spring" it up with pink and florals. I really like the balance of black and gray, with different pinks and a light spring-ey scarf. 

Every spring, I always think of Meryl Streep's line from The Devil Wears Prada: "Florals. For spring. Groundbreaking." I mean, florals for spring are nothing new, but I do love slowly breaking them out again and again every year - just makes it feel more and more like spring (even though we're getting snow tonight and tomorrow. Oy.)

shirt: Victoria's Secret [similar below]
blazer: thrifted  [similar below]
scarf: thrifted [similar below]
pants: Aéropostale
shoes: Coldwater Creek [similar below]

Thursday, February 27, 2014

A Thrifted Gem

When I found this jacket at ARC recently, I squealed. In the middle of the aisle. On a Wednesday evening. 

I've been looking for a green cargo/utility jacket for ages, and couldn't believe my luck when I found one in my size, and for under $10! The jacket is originally from Land's End, lived with someone else for a while, got donated, and now has a very happy new home in my closet. Cheers!

sweatshirt: Old Navy [exact & similar below]
scarf: gift [similar below]
jacket: Land's End via ARC [similar below]
jeans: Aéropostale [exact]
boots: Rack Room Shoes [similar below]

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Mr. Picks Mondays: Pink over Blue

this necklace has such pretty shades of blue & turquoise - found it at Old Navy

The Mr. chose the pink sweater, and I layered with the pink & blue striped button up underneath (the sweater is a bit itchy on bare skin). I wore my new gray pants from Aéropostale, and sadly, the snow boots were a necessity. Again. Blegh.

I'd be really ok if it were summer tomorrow. Or yesterday. Whenever, really.

sweater: Eddie Bauer similar below
shirt: boys' section of Target sort of similar below
gray pants: Aéropostale <-- exact
snow boots: SOREL exact below
necklace: Old Navy similar below