
Showing posts with label skinnies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skinnies. Show all posts

Friday, August 1, 2014

Mint & Navy. Again...

Apparently I'm really into mint and navy together lately (here and here).
They just look really good together, mmk?

Happy Friday!

chambray: WalMart
mint jeans: Lauren Conrad via Kohl's
sandals: WalMart

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

A Smidge Different

I got this new button-up from Aéropostale. It's so lightweight, and it's a button-up (we all know I LOVE a good button-up), but it's just a smidge different from the other ones residing in my closet - the collar is less pronounced. I think this gives the whole shirt a bit of a boho vibe. And while I intend to wear it all summer, I'm sure you'll see me carry it into fall/winter, as well!

shirt: Aéropostale
jeans: GAP Outlet
flats: thrifted

Monday, May 26, 2014

Mr. Picks Mondays: Memorial Day


A few things to share with you today:

1) Happy Memorial Day! Thanks to all those who serve and have served. I love days like today (the 4th of July, Labor Day, and Veteran's Day more than most other holidays), because I make sure to profusely thank my favorite vets (Mom and Dad), and every other veteran I meet, for their selfless sacrifice of protecting our freedoms.

2) The next summer holiday, Independence Day, I'll be celebrating in my favorite place (the beach) with some of my favorite people - WEEEEEEEE!! In a really sweet American-flag print swimsuit. Heyooooo! I plan to spend the whole time on the beach, and when I'm not beaching it, on a boat.

3) My Mr. picked out this polka dot chambray for me to wear. And while I love it, remember my optical illusion trick when it comes to this boxy fit? This time, I layered a sweater over it. Which was totally necessary, because, hello, springtime in the Rockies.

My Dad reminded me yesterday that it snowed on Memorial Day weekend several years ago. Which is enough to make me question why I live here. I mean, I love Colorado - don't get me wrong. We have the beautiful mountains, I always know which direction I'm driving (the mountains are west. unless you are IN the mountains, and then, well, take a gander), our summers are great, winters are pretty, the skiing is spectacular, but every year, from March to May, I seriously consider moving somewhere where it DOESN'T SNOW IN MAY. Like, Florida. Or somewhere in the South. Or even California. This crazy weather is enough to drive a girl mad. Just ask my husband - every time the weather gets all wonky, I get cranky and start packing my swimsuits and flip flops, and threaten to forget how to drive in the snow.


But, then, the sun comes out and melts away all the snow, and I'm reminded that summertime in the Rockies is one of the most beautiful things in the world.

chambray: thrifted
sweater: Aéropostale
pants: Aéropostale
boots: Rack Room Shoes

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Double the Animal Print, Double the Fun

Double the animal print, double the fun, amiright?? Leopard AND python - it works because they're both accessories, rather than a whole piece of clothing, so they don't compete.

In other news, this shirt (and it's navy blue twin) didn't wash so well. The sleeves have this cute little cuff, and my washing machine kinda tore that up/out/to pieces. So, any tips to make the cuff stay flat without having to iron or sew would be greatly appreciated!

Happy Memorial Day Eve! I'm at home, waiting for the rain to quit so I can go on a long run - training for my next half-marathon in September!

shirt: Eddie Bauer
sweater: Macy's
pants: Aéropostale
scarf: WalMart
flats: WalMart

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Old Friends

Several weeks ago, we had some special company - our good (married) friends from high school. They got married the summer before us, and we've remained good friends through their subsequent move across the country and back, and our putting down roots in Northern Colorado.

They came up to visit us and check out our new house, and we loved having them. They brought their sweet pup, Benni, and we ate delicious food and drank delightful beverages all weekend, and played several rounds of Cards Against Humanity. New favorite game. It's in my Amazon shopping cart, as we speak...!

there was much discussion over my rolled up pants and booties. L and I were on the same boat, but the boys disagreed

me with their pup, Benni. I even got to take him on a run with me - I've forgotten what it's like to have a dog that bounds and just can't get enough exercise...!
wearing my cupcake apron, preppin' dinner and dessert for our guests

button up: Akinz Boardwear
lace sweatshirt: rue21
apron: gift
jeans: GAP Outlet
booties: Old Navy

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Print Mixing, Neon, and...snow...

So sorry for the radio silence - the days are completely getting away from me!

That being said, it snowed. Today. May 11th, 2014. There was snow.
On the ground. In the sky. In my hair. Everywhere.

So, there's that.

Here's to (a snowy) Monday...

striped shirt: thrifted (Target)
plaid shirt: Old Navy
cardigan: from a friend
jeans: Aéropostale
shoes: Kohl's

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mr. Picks Mondays: Weird April Weather

As you can see, I'm standing in snow. Now, I'm not going to complain, because in Colorado, we definitely need the moisture. However, I WILL say, that it is ALMOST May.
And May is ALMOST summer.
So, Weird April Weather, get with the program, mmk?

sweater: Aéropostale
chambray: Lauren Conrad via Kohl's
pants: Aéropostale
boots: Rack Room Shoes

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Metallics. Kinda.

This infinity scarf has silver stripes running through it, so I matched it with my mixed metal sandals. And basic black skinnies. And a chambray, of course!

Happy Saturday! We're doing stuff around the house, and resting after a fun night out with friends.

chambray: Lauren Conrad via Kohl's
skinnies: Aéropostale
sandals: Target
scarf: gift

Sunday, April 13, 2014

(more) Sweaters and (more) Transitional Dressing





 Are you sick of me showing you 2 outfits in 1 post, yet? If not, are you sick of sweaters yet? Either way, here are two more spring transitional looks - warm sweaters in pastel and bright colors. Which is perfect, since we're supposed to get snow today :/


sweater: Old Navy similar below
skinnies: thrifted (Lauren Conrad) similar below
flats: KMart similar below

shirt: Old Navy similar below
sweater: Kohl's similar below
jeans: Aéropostale
flats: thrifted similar below

Sunday, March 23, 2014

How To: Get Dressed in the Dark






Ok, I didn't REALLY get dressed in the dark when I wore the two above outfits. However, I've come up with a formula for getting dressed quickly in the morning. It's so easy, you COULD do it in the dark, if you knew your closet by location and feel (an important piece of knowledge to have!).


step 1: Grab pants. Feel, or squint through the early-morning light, for some that are pretty simply, are a neutral, are comfortable, OR, if you've enjoyed delicious food all week/weekend, ones that are stretchy and you know will fit. Or better yet, ones that fit all four of the above criteria.

step 2: Reach for a button up shirt. I like them because they say "I'm here! I'm present! I put effort into my outfit!", but maintain the ability to be dressed up OR down, and of course, can help hide some overindulging (are you sensing a theme here?).

step 3: Put on a neutral sweater. I do like pull-overs layered over a button up, but sometimes a cardigan can add more "depth" to your ensemble by showing off the layer underneath your sweater layer. They're also easier to take off/put back on/take off again/and put on one last time than a pullover.

step 4: Add some jewelry, but not TOO much - you're not fully awake & aware just yet, remember?

step 5: Step into some fancy-ish shoes that you can stand to wear all day.

steps 6 & 7: If you're feeling productive, do your hair and makeup.

step 8: Grab coffee, breakfast, your purse, and head out the door, knowing you look fabulous (and did it all without being fully awake, natch)!


on the left:
polka dot button up: Kohl's similar below
cardigan: Maurice's similar below
pants: Aéropostale
flats: Kohl's similar below
earrings: Kohl's

on the right:
chambray: WalMart similar below
cardigan: thrifted (Kohl's) similar below
pants: Aéropostale
flats: Target similar below
scarf: WalMart similar below